Other Projects
US Route 1 Expressway Trail
Goal: Multimodal trail along the US Route 1 Expressway corridor, connecting Bancroft Elementary to Schoolhouse Lane in East Marlborough. A portion of this trail would also complete the northern part of the Kennett Greenway loop.
Who: New Garden, East Marlborough, Kennett Township, Kennett Area Parks Authority, Kennett Trails Alliance, Chester County Planning Commission
Facilities: Multiuse
Progress to Date: Chester County Planning Commission recommended this multiuse trail as part of the Chester County Circuit Trail Feasibility Study in 2021. Chester County Planning Commission secured PennDOT’s agreement to include design, engineering and construction of the trail as part of its reconstruction of the US Route 1 Expressway, targeted for approximately 2030. Project is currently in preliminary engineering.
Mason Dixon Trail
Goal: Secure off-road options for the Mason-Dixon Trail in Kennett Township.
Who: Mason-Dixon Trail, Brandywine Red Clay Alliance, Kennett Trails Alliance
Facilities: hiking/mountain biking trail
Progress to Date: Secured off-road option for Mason-Dixon trail along Burnt Mill Road. The new trail will be blazed on Kennett Township’s Spar Hill & Lord Howe properties.
Spar Hill Trails
Goal: Establish current walking and hiking trails on the Spar Hill property while awaiting finalization of master plan.
Who: Kennett Township, Brandywine Red Clay Alliance, Kennett Trails Alliance
Facilities: Mown trails
Progress to Date: Complete