Regional Trail Committee
Our goal is to coordinate the planning, development, implementation and maintenance of trails and sidewalks across local municipalities. Facilities include on road, off-road, shared use and/or pedestrian-only facilities.
In order to create a well-connected and consistent regional trail network, Kennett Township, Kennett Borough, East Marlborough Township and New Garden Township — together with Bike Kennett, Friends of New Garden Trails, Kennett Trails Alliance and Chester County Planning Commission — have formed the Kennett Area Regional Trails Committee.
Facilitate a coordinated approach to the planning and development of sidewalks and trails to shared resources in the region
Increase sidewalk and trail connections between our municipalities
Increase connections (or likely connections) to regional trail networks outside of our municipalities
Ensure the efficient prioritization and development of trails and sidewalks within and between our municipalities
Increase communication between municipalities regarding ongoing or upcoming infrastructure or land development initiatives that may provide opportunities for trail or sidewalk development, or may impact existing or planned trail or sidewalk connections
Coordinate resources in the development and maintenance of trails and sidewalks
Ensure consistency across municipalities in the development of ordinances, plans or actions that may impact trails or sidewalks
Our Responsibilities
Our committee is responsible for developing and making recommendations to the members’ township managers, board of supervisors or other appropriate municipal committees that are responsible for trails and sidewalks. Our recommendations involve:
How do we connect our greater community?
How do we prioritize projects for the good of our region?
How do we construct and develop trails & sidewalks efficiently?
How do we build excitement in the community and with our local leaders and funders?