Kennett Square Borough & Kennett Trails Alliance Officially Break Ground on New Red Clay Park Demonstration Project
Upon opening, the Red Clay Park Demonstration Project will restore a portion of the east branch of the Red Clay Creek in the Borough of Kennett Square, and provide the area’s first accessible natural play spaces for people of all mobilities
KENNETT SQUARE, PA — The Borough of Kennett Square, Kennett Trails Alliance (KTA) and other community stakeholders today broke ground on the Red Clay Demonstration Project, a 33,000 square-foot area located behind 500 East Cypress Street in downtown Kennett Square that will soon be transformed into a pocket park and gathering space. The groundbreaking ceremony included interactive activities for children and families, and appearances from local elected officials.
“This groundbreaking represents a pivotal time in the development of the Kennett Greenway and our commitment to providing all people with access to nature,” said Christina Norland, Executive Director of the Kennett Trails Alliance. “This park starts to extend the beauty of Anson B. Nixon further into the Borough and creates our community’s first accessible natural play spaces for children. We are thankful to our many partners and funders, without whom this groundbreaking would not be possible.”
The demonstration project is part of a larger initiative, the “Red Clay Park Project,” which aims to restore the east branch of the Red Clay Creek. This includes 30 plus acres of land from Anson B. Nixon Park to Kennett High School’s Legacy Fields. The groundbreaking signifies the connection of the Kennett Greenway to its various trails, parks and shops, which in turn will help to connect the community to nature and each other.
The Red Clay Park project is a prime example of what can be accomplished through public-private partnerships,” said Kennett Square Borough Council President Doug Doerfler. “When non-profits and government entities work together, we can create assets that enhance the quality of life of our residents and can serve as a benefit to the entire community for generations to come. This project is a major step in achieving our broader goal of creating a more walkable Borough that respects our natural surroundings. The Borough is proud to be part of this important initiative and thanks the Kennett Trails Alliance, and all our partners, who helped move this project forward.”
Included within the demonstration project’s transformation are:
Restoration of a portion of the east branch of the Red Clay Creek, stormwater management and water quality improvement
Removal of invasive species and planting of native plants
Access to the creek, public gathering spaces, and play spaces
Completion of a portion of the Kennett Greenway to specification
Access to the Greenway and the pocket park for people of all mobilities
Construction of the park is estimated to be completed in the fall of this year. KTA is enlisting community input to help name the park by submitting ideas to the Red Clay Park Advisory Group related to geological, cultural, and historical features of the park.
The one-million-dollar transformation was supported by grants from Square Roots Collective, Chatham Financial and from the Commonwealth Financing Authority’s Greenway, Trails and Recreation Program. Contract construction work for the Red Clay Demonstration Project is being performed by Land-Tech Enterprises, Inc. of Warrington, PA.
“The Red Clay Demonstration Project combines stream restoration with stormwater management while simultaneously creating a wonderful new outdoor recreation area for our constituents,” said Representative Christina Sappey (D-158th Legislative District). “As this project progresses, I look forward to seeing how we can innovatively connect people to nature right in their own Borough, while simultaneously addressing flooding and the restoration of our natural resources. I am proud to support this project.”
“Support from the Commonwealth will allow for creation of this beautiful new public space to enjoy,” added Sen. John I. Kane (D-9th Legislative District). “Investments in public infrastructure pay dividends across so many sectors, from job creation to quality-of-life improvements. Congratulations to Kennett Trails Alliance and Kennett Borough on this exciting project.”
“Positively impacting the communities where we live and work is a foundation of our company’s culture,” said Laura Korban Grant, President of Chatham Financial. “We are proud to support the transformation of this underutilized public space that will allow us to better connect with our natural surroundings in downtown Kennett.”
For more information on Kennett Trails Alliance and the Red Clay Demonstration Project, visit: https://www.kennectivity.com/red-clay-demonstration-project.